Wits End is a 90-acre working cattle ranch located 35 miles north west of Fort Worth, Texas. Our Pembroke and Cardigan Welsh Corgis are very involved in the day to day ranch operations with the cattle, horses, ponies, miniature horses, pigs, cats and fowl. The Corgi's outgoing inquisitive nature makes "chore time" a unique experience. Whether it's riding in the golf cart or running along beside, they are sure to bring a smile to visitors faces.
We have been breeding AKC Pembroke Welsh Corgis since 1993 and AKC Cardigan Welsh Corgis since 2012, and work closely with our vet and new owners to insure all of our Corgis are healthy and happy. Our breeding adults are tattooed or micro chipped and the males are DNA tested. All of our corgis have been carefully chosen for their healthy line of genetics.
We pride ourselves in raising a well-adjusted pet corgi, which will adapt to any family situation. Our numerous referrals and repeat customers have been a welcome addition to our extended family of animal lovers. Our puppies are home raised - in the family room - and are monitored closely from birth. A team of "Puppy Volunteers" frequently visit to socialize and give hugs and kisses to each individual puppy. We strive to raise Cardigan and Pembroke Welsh Corgis that adheres to AKC conformation standards, is well socialized, has a wonderful temperament and are active happy corgis. You have our assurance that we are here to help you and your new puppy adjust to his/her home in anyway needed.
Before leaving Wits End each puppy is examined by my vet, Bill McGee, DVM, Bridgeport Animal Hospital, comes with a written health guarantee, has had the age appropriate shot(s) and been on an extensive worming program. In addition to the AKC litter registration certificate we provide a 3 generation pedigree, matching leash and harness, and a small supply of the puppy chow the puppies were raised on.
We invite people who are on our waiting list to come visit our 4 legged friends and experience the joy of the Pembroke and Cardigan Welsh Corgi. Please contact us to schedule an appointment
Over the past 20+ years we've received countless e-mails from Wits End Corgi owners expressing their joy of owning a corgi puppy. Due to a computer crash all of these have been lost. Look for new postings as we receive them.
Wits End
PO Box 55, Poolville, Texas 76487
Ree Salter, owner
Texas Licensed Breeder, License Number: 228
Dog and cat breeders are regulated by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations, PO Box 12157, Austin, Texas 78711, 1-800-803-9209, 512-463-6533, www.license.state.tx.us
After 25+ years of raising Welsh Corgi I've decided to retire from breeding effective April 2018. We are no longer accepting new inquiries for Pembroke and Cardigan Welsh Corgi puppies!
Hi Ree,
Just wanted to let you know Pez is still doing great. He finished up all his puppy shots several weeks ago. The vet said he is the cutest Corgi puppy she's ever seen. It's been a big production every time we've gone. EVERYBODY there has to come out to see Pez, and he just loves the attention. He's very mild mannered, very sweet and just an all around great dog, though he does have a stubborn streak! Everyone who meets him just falls in love with him and he gets very upset if someone passes by and doesn't pay him attention!
He is too funny with the vaccuum, mop or broom, I can not leave them out. I don't know what he thinks they are but he will sit there and just bark at them. This morning when I took him outside was the first time I heard his "ferocious" bark - he was not happy with the trash cans at the end of the driveway! I also wanted to let you know my mom worked for years for a vet and also bred dogs for a while and she complimented you and said his manner says alot about how you handle and raise your puppies. :-)
Hi there,
Just a quick update on Seren.
She’s growing like crazy. She’s just over 25 pounds now. And, her head is getting more and more red. The red is peaking its way through the black on most of her head. So, she’ll likely have a red head like her papa. She does really well on her daily (actually every other day) walks. She does have a bit of an attitude. I remember you telling us to “watch out” for that. She’s doing much better in that area. Just takes time I suppose.
Now about that fish. She absolutely loves the pool. When I open the gate to the pool area, she has beaten me in the pool several times. I have so much fun having her swim along side me. She’ll go as far as the first step on her own. Then, she’ll jump into the water off the first step with either my or my husband’s invitation. When it’s time to “swim,” she follows along right with me. When I turn around to come back, she turns the other direction and we “race” back to the step.
We have a much older corgi named Birdie. She’s going on 12 years old. Seren just loves her Birdie. She seems to be constantly checking on her. Birdie has been back and forth to the vet with what we think is a pinched nerve. So, she struggles sometimes with her walking. But, when Birdie gets settled, Seren is right there with her. Seren is very respectful and cautious around Birdie (thankfully). She also sleeps near her every night. I think they developed quite a bond.
Both Steve and I are so happy Seren is a part of our family. She can be so silly. And, she can be so loving as well.
Until next time,
Hi Ree!
Wanted to give you an update on "Wiley"! We stuck with that name, he seems to like it! He is a fantastic puppy and seems pretty comfortable with us already. I took him to the vet on Monday and they said he looked great and that he was definitely well taken care of by the breeder, which we knew :) He loves playing with ropes, chasing soccer balls in our yard and a few squeaky toys. I was cleaning the other night and he was trying to herd the broom. It's so amazing to see how much he picks up on so quickly! We are so happy with him and I again thank you for all your help and knowledge!
Sophie & Trevor
Wits End Corgis Doing Their Thing!!!!!
We wanted to share with our corgi friends the life of our Pembrokes and Cardigans here at Wits End.
The ranch consists of 90 acres of rolling pasture, numerous barns and out buildings and 7 ponds.
While the corgis are not allowed to run free - they all get out of their runs several times a week to explore their favorite spots.
They're in doggie heaven when we hike down to the stock ponds and take a quick dip.
Friends and visitors have often stated how "Happy" the corgis seem.....
Junior likes his water out of the hose!!
I don't know who is joining whom - but Yoda, Kenda and Vanna take a nap while Ugly Kitty keeps watch!!
Bertha on the right sacks out while her litter gets an afternoon snack.
All the mothers have their own unique style of nursing. I have a swivel recliner in the family room and try hard not to laugh too loudly as I watch each litter enjoying their meal. Most times this is better then what's on TV!!!!
Kooter below loves to lay on her back and make the puppies work for their meal. Check out the little one at he bottom imitating her.
Pecan above likes the close quarter approach.
Not all the corgis live in the house full time. We use a rotating schedule between kennel and house time, so everyone gets special attention to chill out, relax, watch TV and hang out with the humans.
The kennel will house 8 to 10 dogs, each having their own inside area of 4' x 8' with infared heat in the winter and large fans in the summer. There are 6 individual runs 8' wide by 30' long and 2 double runs 16' wide and 30' long.
The doggie doors allow the corgis to come in and out as they please.
After about an hour of "free excerise time" out of the kennel everyone is eager to go back to their run to get a drink and take a nap.
.In addition to the housing in the kennel, the corgis have several large pens with oak trees, stock pond, insulated housing and plenty of room for the younger more active corgis to play.
When the puppies are 5+ weeks old they have their own 20' by 30' outside "play pen" in the side yard.
There's a custom built dog house with ramp, heat lamps or fans and all the toys a puppy could dream about.
We've placed sturdy lawn furniture for the humans comfort while socializing or observing the puppies.
We feel this peaceful setting helps the puppies with house breaking while getting to explore their surroundings in a safe enviroment.
The old saying "It takes a village to raise a child", applies when socializing a litter of puppies. Thanks to my dedicated group of "puppy friends" we pride ourselves on handling each puppy and evaluating individual personality traits. Without this wonderful group of volunteers we would be lost. They help to assure each puppy goes to the home which best suits their personality.
Jordon giving one puppy some much needed one on one attention.
Below - Lynn being a human jungle gym so the puppies can "practice their climbing skills!!!
The three new cardigan ladies: Shae, Rue and Tegan are enjoying their special time with Ree.
Socializing the puppies is hard work - but someone has to do it !!
I wanted to give a six monthish update and a few pics. Eggo is doing GREAT! She has become the center point of our little family. She is so smart and didn't take long to house train. She loves our apartment and has made friends with every dog in the complex. I take her to my parents land once a week to run around and chase birds. She's great with kids and they adore her. Thank you so much for bringing Eggo into our lives! She is the perfect companion dog. I hope all is well at Wits End. I think you'll be hearing from us when we get a house and more room for a second pup!
Abi Gillespie
Zeppelin has been doing great!
He was easy to housebreak--he knows to ring a bell when he needs to go out. He also took well to the puppy class I enrolled him in at 9 weeks--even jumping through hoops by the end of it! Plus, the trainer, vet, groomers, and just about everyone we run into have always been impressed with his temperament.
I have since had to travel a lot for work, but my parents are happy to have him around the house when I'm away. He seems to like it there with tons of space (and a backyard) and company during the day since my dad is retired. He has learned even more--names for different toys (e.g., "ball" vs "rope"), waiting for permission to walk through a door, not barking at noises like the coffee grinder (still working on the vacuum a bit), plus some tricks I've taught him just for show--a common favorite is his play dead' trick, when I say "BANG!" and fire at him with my gun-shaped fingers.
He's been on the Blue Buffalo Wilderness puppy food, and I'll be switching him to the adult formula when the current bag runs out--he'll be a year old in less than a month! I get him deer antlers to chew on and am picky about the treats he gets.
I 've attached a few photos. His coloring is really quite stunning! Also, I guess our concerns of his ears coming up were unnecessary!
He'd probably like a visit to Wits End in the spring to see his mom Wilma and sister Vita!
Until next time,

The ponds are full - grass is green - time to explore the ranch!!!!!!!
Stay close to Ree she might need our help to herd something...... or give us a hug even if we're all wet and dirty.
.Upper left:: unsuspecting visitor is attacked by a very courious litter.
CanDo out and about decides riding in the golf cart is much more fun. Tinkerbell, the ranch devia is a little put out!!!!!!.
Ree takes some time off from daily chores to play with two pembroke puppies waiting for their forever home.

Hi Ree,
Last week flew by but I don’t want any more time to go by without updating you on how Pippa is progressing. She is totally delightful, full of fun and energy. She loves pouncing in the leaves at the house and running free. Leash training is going pretty well but you were right when you said she has times when she is hard headed. My neighbor took the attached pictures and she and her girlfriend stayed for 2 hours last Sunday playing with her. Needless to say, Pippa loved it! We’re all in training with the “AAAAH” word at the office and everyone enjoys petting and playing with her. It’s so funny to hear the occasional “AAAAH” down the hallway when she’s misbehaving. I have taken your advice to heart and am not letting her go outside at the office until she completes her 3rd series of shots (We go Saturday for her 2nd series). I can’t remember life without her.
And Ree, I can’t tell you how very, very much I appreciate all the time you took with me the day I picked her up. There were so many things I wasn’t aware of that you covered that day. I am so glad I picked you as her breeder. I really don’t think another breeder would have done as much as you did for both Pippa and myself.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Love from Pippa and myself,