We're retired and no long accepting new inquiries.
We've had so many people contact us stating how much they enjoy looking at all the litter that we've decided to keep the web site open for several years for your enjoyment.
If you purchased a corgi from us we love getting updated photos and comments. All our contact information is located on the paper work you were given when you picked up your puppy.
Litter born August 4, 2016
Wits End Keeter mated to Wits End Gavin
9 red/white colored puppies / 4 females - 5 males
All puppies are being offered to clients already established on our waiting list
Keeter doesn't mess around - when she is expecting she goes all out. When any female is expected of having a large litter our vet is put on alert. Keeter produced the first 6 puppies without any problem - the remaining 3 were born at the vet with some assistance. Keeter and crew quickly settled into nursery mode and everyone is doing great.
"Coming of Age Pictures
takend September 25th at 52 days of age
"Wobbly Head Pictures"
taken August 28, 2016 at 23 days of age
Female red/white 
wide straight full blaze thru to 3/4 full collar
Sold - Ziggy
"New Born Baby" Pictures
taken August 5, 2016 at 24 hours old
Narrow strip - 3/4 medium full collar to right
Sold - Cecile Nguyen
1/2 white nose - zigged strip - medium 1/2 collar to right
Sold -River Song
Full wide blaze w/dot thru to large diamond collar
Sold - Oscar
Medium blaze - full 3/4 collar to left
sold - Emma Gorski
1/2 white nose to left - narrow offset strip - 3/4 collar
Sold - Lucy
Litter born March 31, 2016
Wits End Ida mated to Wits End Can Do
4 red/white colored puppies - 3 males 1 female / 1 tri colored female
All puppies are sold and living in their forever homes.
Ida is such an old hand at this motherhood stuff. She produces wonderful puppies out of Can Do. Mom is attentive but ALWAYS ready to help with chores!
No fuss - just another day at the ranch!
"Coming of Age Pictures
taken May 21, 2016 at
"Wobbly Head Pictures"
taken April 24, 2016 at 24 day old
Medium blaze - 3/4 collar to right
Sold - Cookie
"New Born Baby" Pictures
taken April 1st 24 hours old
Narrow strip thru to 1/2 collar to right
Sold - Kelvin
Narrow strip - 1/2 collar to right
sold - Ralph Esmenda
smidge on nose - small zigged collar to right
Sold - Zoey
full blaze - wide full collar
Sold - Monet
Litter born April 6, 2016
Wits End Opal mated to Wits End Gavin
6 red/white colored puppies / 4 females - 2 males
All puppies are SOLD and living in their forever homes.
Opal got bigger and bigger as her pregnancy progressed. We were worried so off to the vet for x-ray and head count of 7. Delivery day arrives and Opal with her no fuss get it done attitude produced 5 puppies with out batting an eye. The last two puppies proved to be more of a challenge and so an emergency c-section was needed to save at least one of the two. Mom and remaining 6 have settled down and Opal went into her "Super Mom" protector mode.
"Coming of Age Pictures
taken May 28, 2016 at 52 days
"Wobbly Head Pictures"
taken April 30, 2016 at 24 days old
Medium blaze - large diamond collar
Sold - Kennedy
"New Born Baby" Pictures
taken April 7th at 12 hours old
Male red/white 
full blaze w/dot thru to full zigged collar
Sold - Luca
Male red/white 
narrow to small blaze w/dot thru to wide collar
Sold - Oscar
Female red/white 
narrow blaze - small diamond collar
Male red/white 
medium blaze - full collar
sold - Ronan
Male red/white 
wide full blaze thru to 1/2 full collar
sold - Archer
Male red/white 
narrow to wide blaze w/dot - zigged collar
sold - Thor
Female red/white 
wide blaze w/dot- L shaped diamond collar
sold - Kara
Female red/white 
Thin narrow strip thru to 3/4 full collar
sold - Hannah
Litter born September 17, 2016
Wits End Shelby mated to Wits End Gavin
7 red/white colored puppies / 4 females - 3 males
All puppies are sold and living with their forever people.
Shelby takes motherhood very seriously. She enjoys all the extra attention given to those waiting to whelp. We had x-rayed her a week earlier and knew there were 7 puppies waiting to be born. She made sure we canceled all our plans so we could be there to help if needed. She delivered the seven little ones without any help from the vet, although our assistance was needed towards the end when she was a little tired. Mom & puppies are doing great!
"Coming of Age Pictures
taken November 5, 2016 at 49 days old
"Wobbly Head Pictures"
Taken Oct 8, 2016 at 22 days old
Female red/white 
medium splash w/dot on forehead - 3/4 full collar
sold -Scarlet
"New Born Baby" Pictures
taken September 17, 2016 at 8 hours old
Female red/white 
hour glass shaped blaze - full 3/4 collar - folor on left
Sold - Crimsom
Female red/white 
very full blaze w/tiny dot thru to full collar
Sold - Winnie
Female red/white 
medium blaze - very full pointed collar
Sold - Chloe
Male red/white 
full blaze w/dot thru to 3/4 collar - color on right
Sold - Preston
Male red/white 
small offset strip with small diamond 1/2 collar
Sold - Titus
Male red/white 
medium blaze - medium diamond collar - color on right
Sold - don Diego
Litter born March 18, 2017
Wits End Opal mated to Wits End Gavin
5 red/white colored puppies / 2 females - 3 males
All puppies are sold and living in their new forever homes.
Opal took her sweet time whelping this litter of 5 puppies, we think she was enjoying all the special attention "mothers to be" get. She kept getting bigger and bigger. A quick trip to the vet indicated the puppies were very large and a c-section would be necessary when contractions started. All went well and mother and puppies are doing great. Opal is retiring after this litter and will become a lady of leisure in her new pet hom.
"Coming of Age Pictures
taken on May 6, 2017 at 49 days
"Wobbly Head Pictures"
Taken April 9, 2017 at 22 days
Female red/white 
wide blaze w/color on right thru to medium collar - color on left
Sold - Daisy
"New Born Baby" Pictures
taken March 23th at 5 days old
Female red/white 
Medium blaze w/dot thru to 3/4 collar - color on left
Sold - Maple
Male red/white 
Narrow stripe - 3/4 medium collar - color on left
Sold - Tuba
Female red/white 
Ida 4
Very wide blaze thru to full collar
Sold - Lee Ya
Male red/white 
Ida 5
Very wide offset blaze w/dot thru to med full collar
Sold - Dexter
Litter born February 20, 2017
Wits End Ida mated to Wits End Gavin
6 red/white colored puppies / 3 females - 3 males
All puppies are sold and are living in their new homes. No new inquiries are being accepted.
This is Ida's last litter of puppies. She did her usual outstanding job with this flashy litter of 6. Ida has already visited and spent time in her new "pet home" and she was quite put out when she came back to Wits End to whelp and wasn't allowed on our couch. She'll be living with her new family as soon as this litter is weaned.
"Coming of Age Pictures
Taken April 9th at 48 days
"Wobbly Head Pictures"
taken March 12th at 20 days old
Male red/white 
Ida 1
medium blaze thru to full wide collar - white on back of right ear.
Sold - Bilbo
"New Born Baby" Pictures
taken February 21st at 12 hours old
Female red/white 
Ida 2
Narrow strip w/dot - full wide collar - color on right
Sold - pepper
Male red/white 
Ida 3
Narrow strip - medium full pointed collar
Sold - Rizzo
Female red/white 
Ida 6
Medium blaze thru to 3/4 collar - color on left
Male red/white 
Wide blaze w/color on left - thru to medium collar - color on left
Male red/white 
Medium blaze thru to wide full collar
Litter born September 21, 2017
Wits End Keeter mated to Wits End Gavin
6 red/white colored puppies / 3 females - 3 males
All puppies have gone to their forever homes.
Keeter is a great mom - making sure every puppy is attended to quickly. She still takes time out to run around the ranch and make sure all the chores are done to her satisfaction - then it's back to the whelping pen to oversee her litter. We will allow Keeter to have one more litter then she is going to retire from breeding and become a pet here at Wits End.
"Coming of Age Pictures
taken November 11, 2017 at 51 days old
"Wobbly Head Pictures"
taken October 13, 2017 at 22 days old
Male red/white 
tiny strip - full wide collar
Sold - Winston
"New Born Baby" Pictures
taken September 23th at 48 hrs old
Female red/white 
Medium strip thru to full collar - color on right
sold - Lucy
Female red/white 
medium blaze w/big dot - thru to full broken collar - color on right
sold - Zelda
Male red/white 
narrow strip - full diamond collart
sold - Dusty
Male red/white 
very full blaze - 1/2 full collar - color on left
sold - Harry
Female red/white 
full offset blaze thru to 1/2 full collar - color on left
sold - Harry
Scroll down for previous litters