Sires -
Our breeding males are carefully chosen to compliment our Dams.
They are AKC registered, DNA tested and have outstanding Pembroke conformation.
.Greatshire's Scout of Blumoon
AKC # DN07321302 

DNA #: V467491
Whelped: April 30, 2004 

Retired: January 2012
Scout was our main stud for 5 years. He is a beautiful red and white, weighs 28 pounds, has great bone and a luxurious coat. We are looking forward to continuing his blood line thru his daughters and grand daughters who remain in our breeding program.
Scout is everyone's friend and can't get enough pets and hugs. Scout was adopted by a wonderful couple in the Fort Worth area. Reports from Judi and Jon indicate he's not missing the ladies at all. His current job is to greet Jon when he comes home from work, sleep on their bed and play with Carman, his new adopted sister.
Our breeding females are selected from the very best of our bloodlines and go back 7 generations. They are a joy to watch develop from newborn to motherhood, each with their own outlook on life.
Wits End Chica
AKC # DN09933403 

Born: February 1, 2005

Retired April 2011
Chica is a nicely balance, medium framed, red and white corgi weighing 23 lbs. She lets everyone know she's the lady to deal with. A great mother who produced 5 to 6 healthy puppies without missing a beat.
We have kept several of her female puppies, Wits End Ella and two females born from her last litter, Wits End Melba and Wits End Tizzy. We look forward to watching her become a grandmother.
Chica is retired and living in Fort Worth with Peggy and Larry , happy to be chauffeured in style to the barn to watch over the "big" horses.

Wits End Margo
AKC # DN08900905 

Born: November 12, 2004
Dam: Wits End Fagen 

Sire: Wits End Bolter
Retired August 2010
Margo is a fantastic black headed tri with the classic Pembroke form. She was the ruling matriarch of the females. Her serious quiet determination conveys to the cattle she will quickly put them in their place.
Pembroke's like Margo don't come along everyday and we're kept one of her daughters, Wilma, to carry on her outstanding traits..
Margo is enjoying retirement on a 200+ acre ranch in Lawrence, Kansas and I've heard she quickly took over the supervising of the chores.
Wits End Too Dot
AKC# DN18420805 

Whelped: June 28, 2007
Dam: Wits End Pooh Dot 
Sire: Wits End Augie
Retired March 2010
Too Dot is a very nice black headed tri who showed a lot of potential. She was our resident lap corgi - she couldn't stand to see an empty lap and immediately offered her services.
Too Dot had a hard time deciding between a new litter and a lap. In March 2010, the lap job won - she's now living the retired life in Louisiana keeping Peggy's lap company. I've been told she's loving all the special attention she gets from the grandchildren - wearing costumes and playing her role as "special person" for all it's worth.
We kept Bertha out of her last litter to carry on her wonderful disposition.
Wits End Ella
AKC# DN26728902 
Whelped January 10, 2010
Dam: Wits End Chica 

Sire: Wits End Doit
Retired April 2013
Ella is a beautiful red and white corgi who's fantastic bone, topline and striking markings are awesome.
Ella "the thoughtful one" is always on the lookout for someone sitting still and who might need a corgi kiss.
Her first and only experience with motherhood was an emergency c-section with complications. Although she finally did take an interest in her puppies, Ella did not enjoy being a "mom".
She retired April 2013 and will be an "only child" with her new family Pam & Frank in Waxahachie, Texas.

Wits End Doit
AKC # DN22227404 

DNA #:V602087
Whelped: July 24, 2008 

Retired: March 2012
Doit is a beautiful red headed tri. Doit has fathered several litters now and we're always amazed at the beautifully marked and viable puppies he produces.
The extra bonus is they all have his wonderful personality. We've kept several of his daughters to carry on his wonderful traits.
Doit is living with Cindy and Jim in the Alvoid area. His days will be filled with playing with Winston, his son, and being pampered. Oh - then there's those wonderful trips in the new motor home.
Retired Studs and Dams:
We've kept pictures posted on our web page of the males and females who were retired in the past few years. These adult Pembroke were the foundation of our breeding stock.
The females retire at about 5 years of age. The spayed ladies go to approved homes where they receive all the love and individual attention they deserve after their active productive life here at Wits End.
The males are retired between 4 to 6 years of age. Sometimes they are used for stud at another breeder or placed as neutered pets to enjoy the freedom from demanding ladies.......
It's always sad to seem them go, but we're confident they are happy in their new roles & get updates on them regularly.
Wits End Yoda Two
AKC # DN20694207 

Born: February 15, 2008
Dam: Wits End Midge 

Sire: Wits End Stubs
Retired: April 27, 2013
Yoda is a gorgeous medium framed black headed tri. She is the quiet shy one of the group. Yoda loves to be petted, but is very content to wait until everyone else is done so she can have quiet hugs without all the fuss.
Yoda has produced some outstanding puppies. We kept two of her daughters, Ida and Opal to add to our breeding program.
She is now a "Lady of Leiasure living in Garland, Tx. I know she'll have her new owners wrapped around her paw in no time!!!!!

Wits End Bertha
Dam: Wits End Too Dot 

Sire: Wits End Doit
AKC# DN26728801 

Born: January 5, 2010
Retired February 27, 2014
Bertha is a very intense red headed tri. She has all the outstanding corgi traits - including those huge ears.
If there is some mischievous going on, you can be sure Bertha is in the middle of it..... There's never a dull minute with Bertha on the loose!
She has her "quiet" moments and always welcomes an encouraging hug.
Motherhood didn't slow Bertha down - take care of the "children" - rush outside and explore - she handled it all with enthusiasm.
Bertha took an early retirement when the perfect home became available.
She is looking forward to her new "job" - giving her forever owner Brenda unconditional love and companionship.
Wits End Wilma
Dam: Wits End Margo 
Sire: Greatshire Scout
AKC # DN23221502

Born December 7, 2008
Retired February 2014
Wilma is Wits End Margo's daughter and they don't get any better then Wilma. She has a top line and bone structure right out of the Pembroke breed standard handbook. Her rich red color is very striking.
Wilma is a very sweet and mellow with that special corgi waddle. She always waits to be asked before attempting any new activity and never over does anything. Having her picture taken was her idea of a great time.
She was an awesome mom and gave every puppy special attention. We've kept 5 of her daughters to add to our breeding program: Lem, Veta, Vanna, Kenda and Shelby. Wilma is a grandmother and her daughters and grand children are just as fanastic as she is.
Wilma retired February 2014 and is truly living the life of leisure with her
new family in Weatherford Texas. She has promised me I can come visit her this summer and swim in the family's pool!!!!!!
Wits End CanDo
AKC# DN29260503 
Whelped: November 3, 2011
DNA Profile#: V675906 
Tattoo: W26
Deceased: July 22, 2016
CanDo was our foundation stud and one of the most fantastic Pembroke studs I've seen in years. His beautiful eyes caught your attention and it was hard to look away. His sweet quiet disposition and lovely manners were always a joy to observe. He loved riding in the golf carts and a time or two accidentally laid on the gas peddle and took a short trip without any humans to steer!!!!!
It was with a heavy heart we had to put him to sleep after a devastating diagnoses of advanced cancer. Wits End is not the same without our gentle natured Can Do.
We kept 5 females from his breeding's to continue his bloodlines.

Wits End Melba
Dam: Wits End Chica 

Sire: Wits End Doit
AKC# DN30072407 

Whelped February 24, 2011
Retired September 2014
Melba is black headed tri with just the right amount of bling. Her black head with the deep red accents is very stricking.
Melba is very thoughtful and thinks before she jumps in. Always on the look out for a human who might need some attention or will give her a hug.
Melba produced her first litter of 7 healthy puppies in January 2013. She turned out to be an outstanding mother who gave 110% to her
new borns and loved being a mother.
Melba retired after only one litter - we think she gave that litter her all. She's living with Susan Doering and her wonderful family .
Wits End Tizzy
Dam: Wits End Chica 

Sire: Wits End Doit
AKC# DN30072401 

Whelped February 24, 2011
Retiried September 7, 2015
Tizzy is Melba's full litter sister (retired). Her classic red and white markings are beautiful. She's a very balanced Pembroke.
Tizzy's name fits her to a T. She's constantly in motion and has her own agenda. Full of life and lots of energy - the cattle are looking forward to her slowing down a little as she gets older and more focused.
Tizzy has proven she can multi task. Raise a beautify litter and keep all the livestock in line. She hasn't slowed down a bit.
A lovely couple contacted me about wanting to adopt an older corgi. They fell in love with Tizzy when they visited the ranch and as Tizzy was due to retire in six months I felt this new family was perfect for her outgoing personality and she now is a lady of leisure enjoying being the center of attention in her new forever home.
Wits End Ida
Dam: Wits End Yoda 

Sire: Wits End Doit
AKC# DN30844305 

Born: May 27, 2011
Retiried January 2016
Ida is a smaller framed bundle of energy. Her idea of a good time is running everywhere, checking everything out and running back to you excited about the new adventure or treasure she's found. The cattle are her favorite thing to "play with". I'm not sure how much fun they're having, but she is so proud of herself when they're all rounded up.
Getting her to sit still long enough to take this picture exhausted us.
Ida's maternal instincts kick in when she whelps - she actually forgets about the cattle who need to be herded and for a few weeks is a devoted mom.
Ida adjusted to "pet life" very quickly when she retired and is enjoying the city life in the Dallas, Texas area.

Wits End Lem
Dam: Wits End Wilma 

Sire: Wits End Doit
AKC# DN33234102 

Whelped March 8, 2012
Lem is a black headed tri with a deep chest, wonderful bone structure and great top line.
She is very active and full of life. Not much gets past Lem. She's best buddies with her full litter sister Veta pictured below. We jokingly refer to them as Frick and Frat.
Lem and Veta have not disappointed us. They both have produced beautiful litters out of Wits End CanDo and their prodigy are the perfect blend of all the things that make pembrokes special...

Wits End Veta
Dam: Wits End Wilma 

Sire: Wits End Doit
AKC# DN33234104

Whelped March 8 2012
Veta sweet Veta - what can we say! You learned at an early age what those nasty old copperhead snakes can do. We know you can put your right ear up if you really, really want to. I know that darn old snake bit you just below your right ear - but give us a break!
You have to look very closely to tell Veta from her full sister Lem. Sometimes the ear thingy is the only way be can be sure you're really you.
The sisters whelped within days of each other and shared the duties of raising their respective litters. It was hard for us humans to tell the puppies in each litter from their cousins - thank goodness for digital cameras
We plan on mixing things up the next litter and breeding one of the sisters to Wits End Gavin.
Veta, left, when she forgets about the snake bite and OOPS her ear pops up.
Sometimes I think she just wants to be different and have her own style. She's certainly one of a kind and we won't hold the broken ear against her! Often it's the only way we can tell her apart from her sister Lem.

Wits End Teela
Whelped April 21, 2012 Retired: July 2014
Dam: Shiloh Jade Goolsby 

Sire: JR Winston Goolsby
Teela is a dark red and white sable. Her tight compact body just quivers with energy. She has the fine shorter hair pet owners love. Her coat is like running your hands over a silk scarf.
She's 100% pure Pembroke Welsh Corgi. She so wants to please and she tries so hard and is always seeking human approval.
Teela is the first outside corgi we've added to our breeding program in 19 years. We believe the cross between her and Wits End CanDo will produce some awsome puppies in the winter of 2013.
Teela didn't want any part of giving birth or being a mother. So after her one and only litter of three, she went to live with a lovely couple who owns a ranch in Palestine, Texas. She is so much happier!!!!
Below are pictures and a brief synopsis of our breeding Pembroke Welsh Corgis personalities. We often refer to them as our children and each one is unique. When their life as a breeding corgi is over we retire them and place them into a forever home where they are pampered and loved.

Wits End Gavin
Dam: Milkywey's Wildsyde at Wind Dial
Whelped: April 12, 2013
Sire: Fortin Wind Dials Talked to an Angel AKC# DN36491105
We hit the jackpot when we found Gavin. His picture to the left was taken at 5 1/2 months of age. WOW!!!! His bone structure, deep chest and intense red and white coloring is what dreams are made of. We are so excited and eager to see what the future holds.
Gavin was overwhelmed when he first arrived at Wits End, we think he'd lead a sheltered life and all the activity was a bit too much. A good friend took him to her home and his personality blossomed. He's now a big part of the activities here. He still has his ultra sweet personality and willingness to please, plus he does tricks!!!!!
Gavin became a father March 13, 2014. We are very impressed with the "bling" on his new daughters and are looking forward to future litters sired by our man Gavin.....

Wits End Kenda
Dam: Wits End Wilma 

Sire: Wits End CanDo
AKC# DN34707606 

Whelped September 8, 2012
Micro Chip: 956000008998121
Retired: May 15, 016
Kenda is an example of the fantastic puppies produced by our current stud Wits End CanDo. She has the wonderful red and white coloring,
beautiful coat texture and is very balanced. She is always willing to please and happy to be part of whatever is going on.
She's best buddies with her full litter sister Vanna pictured above.
Kenda produced a beautiful litter of 5 on May 9, 2014. Wow the bling she and Gavin produced was awsome. Kenda decided being a mom was OK as long as she still got to accompany me at chore time.
Kenda retired May 2016 and is living with two wonderful ladies who winter in Weatherford, Texas and summer in the cool mountains of Colorado. She saw her first elk shortly after arriving at her "summer home" and I'm sure was surprised by the antlers - Wits End cows are all hornless!!

Wits End Vanna
Dam: Wits End Wilma 

Sire: Wits End CanDo
AKC# DN34707602 

Whelped September 8, 2012
Micro Chip: 956000008996871
Retired: April 2016
Vanna is a carbon copy her mother, Wits End Wilma. And like her sister Kenda, pictured below, is an example of the fantastic puppies produced by our current stud Wits End CanDo.
Vanna has the wonderful red and white coloring, beautiful coat texture and is very balanced. She is never far from Kenda's side and is a bit more polite about waiting her turn for hugs and pets.
Vanna was bred to our newest stud Wits End Gavin and produced her first litter March 2014. Vanna is proving to be a very attentive mother and we're looking forward to watching her litter develop and become "mini" Vanna/Wilma corgis!!!!
Vanna was retired April 2016 and is living the quiet city life in style in the Austin, Texas area. Her new owner is very thankful for her quiet disposition and they take frequent walks keeping both of them in shape.

Wits End Opal
Dam: Wits End Yoda Two 

Sire: Wits End CanDo
AKC# DN36120506

Whelped February 25, 2012
Retired November 2017
At three months old Opal had to learn the hard way that life on a working ranch is dangerous. Horses, cows, snakes, coyotes, raccoons and "Ugly Kitty". Opal has a unreal fascination with domestic cats. She doesn't want to hurt them, just play and play and play. It was too much for our senior 14 year old cat, Ugly Kitty. He lashed out and to teach Opal a lesson. Unfortunately Opal lost her eye. Also unfortunately it did not teach her to "leave the cats alone". She still doesn't want to hurt the cats, but has learned to play a little nicer. Loosing her eye at such a early age hasn't been a problem - just adds character to this funny little Pembroke.
Opal is a small frame bundle of energy. I have never seen a young puppy with so much drive and focus - too bad I'm not into agility trials she would be a winner. She can be sweet and loving, but only after she's worked off some of her playfulness. Opal produced her first litter of 5 in September 2015. It took her over three years to try this motherhood thing. She did a great job - but being a mother didn't slow her down....
Opal is enjoying retirement and is focusing her engery on being a service dog.
You can see her accompaning her new owner all over Weatherford, Texas.

Wits End Shelby
Dam: Wits End Wilma 

Sire: Wits End CanDo
AKC# DN38418401

Whelped November 21, 2013
Shelby has that hard to find balance of size, coat and bone structure.
She is a female version of her father Wits End CanDo.
She is the sweetest of all our corgis. Always eager to please and never far from your side. It was a sad day when Shelby turned 9 months old and it was time for her leave the comfort of the house and to take her place with the "adult" corgis in one of the paddocks.
She produced her first litter of two September 2015. Had a little traffic jam and had to do a c-section. But once back home she got right to the job of raising her litter. If her puppies are half as good looking as either of her parents - we've hit the jack pot with this outstanding tri female named Shelby.....

.Wits End Keeter
Dam: Wits End Lem

Sire: Wits End CanDo
AKC# DN40248802

Whelped July 27, 2014
You're not seeing double - Keeter is Shelby's maternial niece and faternal sister. Can Do's daughters are carbon copies with his outstanding confirmation and Wilma's easy going personality. We have a hard time telling Keeter and Shelby apart.
Keeter is very loving, sweet natured and eager to please just like Shelby. Not only do they look alike - their disposition and attitude towards life on the ranch are like idential twins.
Wow Keeter decided to jump into motherhood with a BIG splash. Eight delightful red/white puppies out of Wits End Gavin whelped Jan 26, 2016. Not one to ignore her responsibilities - she turned out to be one Super Mom.
Good job Keeter.
.Wits End Cyder
Dam: Wits End Ida

Sire: Wits End Gavin
AKC# DN40248505

Whelped July 6, 2014
You don't have to check Cyder's pedigree to know who her parents are. She's small framed like her mom Ida and has all Ida's zest for life. Cyder's nick name is the Energizer Bunny!!!! She has her quiet moments - but they don't last long. When we were taking her picture for the web site we weren't sure we'd get a "still shot". Most pictures are like the one pictured below. Wow she can cover some ground when she runs and turn on a dime - look out cows .
After CanDo died suddenly we had no one to
breed Cyder to so she moved to Southern
California to continue her breeding career.